
There are about 7,000 living languages in the world today. We believe that every person should be able to experience God’s redemptive story from creation through Christ in their own heart language. For an update on Adaptations in process or completed, please refer to the following document. Please check this list to verify that the language translation you are considering is not already in process.

View Adaptation Chart (Projects Completed and in Process)

Storyteller Version of The HOPE – In The HOPE, storytellers provide the commentary and continuity necessary to weave together an incredible amount of Biblical content in a relatively short amount of time. At times, these storytellers appear on screen along with the images of the story they are relating. In other sections they are absent from the screen, allowing the dramatic scenes to move the story forward.

And because The HOPE has been digitally mastered, storytellers can easily be replaced. Thus The HOPE can be adapted for an unreached people group in the mountains of Papua New Guinea or for youth in inner city America.

Voice-Over Narration Versions of The HOPE – For a variety of reasons, some of our ministry partners choose not to use on-screen storytellers in the creation of a new language version of The HOPE. In these cases voice-over narrators provide the commentary for the live action dramatic scenes in The HOPE. These versions are generally produced at a fraction of the time and financial cost of an on-screen version. Narrators are often a member of the indigenous people and provide a strong cultural connection to viewers.

The decision to create an on-screen version or off-screen narrator version is usually in the hands of the Ministry Partners for a particular language translation. 

For more information about adapting The HOPE for a particular people group, please read about our Partnering Process.

As stewards of The HOPE, we desire to guard the integrity of the gospel message and preserve the rights we've received for footage. Beyond this, we hold The HOPE very loosely and offer it to the worldwide Body of Christ to be used as a tool for many. From its creation, The HOPE has been designed to be updated and customized to aid you in ministry.

And the "you" we are referring to is not necessarily an individual, but a collective. In most cases, God has called numerous people to minister within a people group, either from the same organization or from several organizations and Christian denominations. Our experience has taught us that when a collective group of Christ-followers work together, the resulting translation is more widely used.

This is why we encourage multiple ministries/individuals to be involved, whenever possible, throughout The HOPE creation process.

If you are interested in creating a new HOPE translation click here

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