How It Works

Early in the development of the ministry strategy for The HOPE, the board agreed that it should not be the role of Mars Hill to determine the priority of translating The HOPE into one language over another. After all, there are nearly 7,000 living language groups in the world today, and they must all be reached with the Gospel to complete the Great Commission. Many of these groups are still considered unreached. Who is to say which one should be given priority? 

Instead, it was decided that we would develop a process by which others could partner with
Mars Hill to produce translations of The HOPE. This “Partnering Process” would then be promoted among the appropriate mission communities worldwide. In other words, we would simply “raise our flag up the pole,” and whoever saluted, that is whom we would get behind.

This strategy placed Mars Hill in the role of responder and facilitator rather than initiator. It made room for God to initiate translation projects through others. He has made Himself known in ways we could not have imagined. As a result of this ministry strategy, we now have over 100 translation projects (completed and in process). All but a few of these projects have been initiated by our partners. 

Please let us know if you would like to partner on a translation, or in the dissemination, of
The HOPE. We would be blessed to get involved with you in making His name known among all the nations.

  1. The HOPE as a Personal Ministry Tool
    1. A great personal devotional study to give you a deeper understanding of major Bible themes.
    2. A wonderful tool to share with a family member, co-worker, or friend that they can watch at their convenience.
      • Keep some handy in your home or the trunk of your car to give away when you encounter people day to day who are interested in knowing more about Christ and the Bible.
      • DVDs of The HOPE make great gifts for Christmas, Easter, and birthdays.
      • Churches will oftentimes put together Welcome Bags for Visitors and New Members that include a DVD of The HOPE.
    3. An easy resource to share online and through email.
      • If you become familiar with The HOPE website you can not only share the main web address but also links to particular Lessons that cover topics that you have discussed with people or know they have an interest in.
      • Email, tweet or text this link,, to someone so that The HOPE can be viewed at their convenience.
      • When the conversation warrants it, write the website on the business card you give them.
      • Add The HOPE website link to your Facebook page or blog so others will know where to go for free online viewing.
    4. Many parents have told us that their elementary-age children will watch it over and over.
  2. The HOPE as a Singular Event Evangelism Tool
    1. Many churches make sure that they have one or more copies of The HOPE to take with them on mission trips, both to show and to leave behind so that local ministers can continue to share it and use it for discipleship.
    2. You might also consider a weekend retreat as a singular event where you can show The HOPE and generate discussion afterward using some of the key questions from the Study Guide or create your own questions.
    3. The HOPE is frequently used as a special event outreach tool in churches and neighborhoods. One church in particular also used the big event to cast vision for how The HOPE could be used on the mission field and it helped them raise money to fund a new translation of The HOPE! See HOPE for Haiti.
  3. The HOPE as a Group Study Tool – the applications in this category are many.
    1. Student-led Junior High/High School Bible studies
    2. Home schooling
    3. Sunday School: appropriate for Elementary age (as you see fit) and up.
    4. Student-led Junior High/High School Bible studies
    5. College group Bible studies
    6. Study groups geared towards foreigners where the Bible is less familiar
    7. ESL, English as a Second Language (there is a special edition for ESL)
    8. Home Bible study groups
    9. Weekend retreat curriculum
    10. Great study to kick off a church planting group
    11. It is an excellent discipleship tool: the Study Guide is currently available on our website in 13 major world languages as well as an ESL curriculum Study Guide.
  4. The HOPE as an Outreach Tool for International Students - The HOPE is an excellent way to introduce international students to God’s Grand Redemptive Story as Revealed in the Bible.
    1. It is frequently given in Welcome Kits
    2. It is shown at big event gatherings
    3. It is a wonderful group study tool for discipleship
    4. Currently, the video is available for online streaming in 35 languages at . There are a total of 70+ language versions for Download, both free and for-purchase quality, in our online store at  Some are still available on DVD. (Please note that our HOPE ESL software curriculum is in the process of being updated.) The HOPE provides a great opportunity to introduce international students to the good news!

To purchase a Download or DVD of The HOPE, click on the STORE Button in the left-hand menu.

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