Get Involved – Help Reach Them!

Ways to Get Involved with Mars Hill in Reaching the Nations through the Ministry of The HOPE

Before considering the ways to be involved (listed below), please watch this 3.5 minute video if you have not already done so.

Prayer is our lifeline to God. Hudson Taylor, missionary to China, once said, "Brother, if you would enter that province, you must go forward on your knees." John Piper calls prayer, “a wartime walkie-talkie for the accomplishment of mission commands.” We cannot expect to do God's work apart from God's means. Mars Hill is committed to, and dependent upon, prayer. We value those who surround us and partner with us in prayer. If you’d like to join our community of intercessors, contact:

The HOPE is a ministry of Mars Hill Productions. As a non-profit media ministry, our work with The HOPE would not continue without the financial support of people who believe in the mission. The Mars Hill board of trustees personally funds 25-35% of the annual budget. All fulltime Mars Hill staff build ministry teams of people who share in their ministry through prayer and giving financially to help fund their salary. We are truly grateful for those who partner in this ministry through their giving. To become a financial partner, click here.

a.   Monthly Givers - While every contribution is vital to our mission, we cannot overstate the significance of recurring monthly electronic giving. This type of funding increases stability from month to month and helps keep our focus on ministry, not fundraising. To set up a monthly gift, or to make a single gift, click here.

b.   Other Types of Gifts - There are many creative ways to help fund the ministry of The HOPE, i.e. - gifts of property, stock, bequests, etc. For a list of options, please contact Mars Hill – (800)-580-6479.

a.   Social Media Advocates - These are people who support and further the ministry of The HOPE through various social media. If you’d like to join The HOPE "A-Team", contact:

b.   Community Networkers - These are people who do what the name implies, they network in their community to help bring others into the Mars Hill / HOPE community. They might host a presentation in their home, office, or Sunday school class. They might arrange to show The HOPE Promotional Video at their Church, or to have a Mars Hill representative speak at an event, such as a missions conference. Or, they might simply make a connection for Mars Hill with a potential donor, staff member or other type of ministry partner. If you’d like to further the ministry of The HOPE through networking, please contact us by phone (800) 580-6479 or email

The strategy for creating new translations/adaptations of The HOPE is based on partnering with other ministries. Of all The HOPE translations, completed and in process, Mars Hill has initiated only a small number. The majority of these translation projects have resulted from missionaries who approached Mars Hill requesting a version, uniquely suited for the people group they are working to reach. To learn more about the process of partnering to create a new language version/adaptation of The HOPE, click here.

The HOPE is simply a tool, and Mars Hill is a toolmaker. The key link in the ministry of The HOPE are those people who utilize the tool. The HOPE can be used as a personal evangelism tool to reach a friend, or in a nationwide strategy to reach millions . . . and any countless number of ways in between. We are still adding to our “How to Use The HOPE” page.



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