Prayer & Giving

The ministry of Mars Hill cannot be explained merely by what God does through the staff and board. There is a community that surrounds and sustains Mars Hill through prayer and financial support. It is this kind of involvement that makes the work of Mars Hill possible.

Prayer Support

Prayer is our lifeline to God. Hudson Taylor, missionary to China, once said, "Brother, if you would enter that province, you must go forward on your knees." We cannot expect to do God's work apart from God's means . . . prayer. This ministry is committed to, and dependent upon, prayer. We value those who surround us in prayer.

PRAY If you would like to support the ministry of Mars Hill through prayer.

Financial Support

A portion of the funding for this ministry comes from the distribution of media, but the majority comes from a relatively small community of individual donors. Every contribution is significant, and every contribution is received with a great sense of responsibility and accountability to the donor and to God. Mars Hill is accountable to a board of trustees and has maintained membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since 1992.

GIVE If you would like to support the ministry of Mars Hill financially, simply click the button to the left and complete the form that opens.

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