Fact Sheet


The mission of Mars Hill is to use media to draw people to Jesus Christ.


Mars Hill media is used in nearly every country of the world. Every day thousands of people view a Mars Hill production via the Internet, DVD, and broadcast television.


Mars Hill has received numerous international film awards.

Why Use Media?

People retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and 70% of what they see and hear together.

Media as a Tool

More than 85% of those who come to Christ do so through personal interaction with a concerned Christian. Mars Hill does not view media as an end in and of itself, but rather as a ministry tool. Most viewings of Mars Hill films and videos take place in a personal ministry context.


While effective media is costly to produce, a typical Mars Hill production will have a vital ministry for many years. It will be seen by millions of people at a cost of pennies per viewer.


Mars Hill was founded by Fred Carpenter and Larry Kreider in 1977 as a division of Youth for Christ/Houston. In 1988, Mars Hill was spun off from Youth for Christ as a separate nonprofit ministry.


The majority of Mars Hill's income is derived from contributions; the balance comes from the distribution of media. All full-time staff members serve as media missionaries, and in that capacity build teams of people who provide funding and prayer support for the ministry to which they have been called.


Mars Hill is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) corporation, and is accountable to a board of trustees. Mars Hill has been a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since 1992. The ECFA is an association of about 1700 evangelical nonprofit ministries requiring the highest standards of financial accountability and disclosure.

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